STP Solutions
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Wizcom Corporation, founded in 1995, offers technology solutions and services to various sectors, including Financial, Insurance and Telecom. Best part of using Wizcom is, we offer solutions and services to our clients by using our extensive domain expertise, in-house solutions, and by leveraging offshore resources for support to augment the local resource base for large and time-critical implementations and round the clock services.

Wizcom provides end-to-end Straight Through Processing (STP) solutions and services for the financial industry. Most of the custom business solutions are provided with a combination of on-site and off-site resources.

Business solutions currently providing: 

RTRS - Real-Time Trade Reporting System for Municipal Bond Trades to MSRB
RTTM - Real-Time Trade Matching for Municipal Bond Trades
PIM - Pre-Issuance Messages for CUSIP accquisition from IPA Banks
NIIDS - New-Issue Information Dissemination Service
TRACE - Trade Reporting And Compliance Engine for Corporate Bond Trades
AffirmXpress - Handles OTC derivative Trades

NIIDS: New Issue Information Dissemination
Using Wizcom NIIDS solution, underwriters can submit and receive security details to/from DTCC for dissemination. New Issue information submission to DTCC became mandatory from June 2008.
Details of NIIDS initiative from DTCC can be found here: NIIDS IN A NUTSHELL (by DTCC)
NIIDS usage became mandatory for all underwriters from June 1st 2008.
click here for more details

RTRS-Gateway: Real-time Transaction Reporting System
Using Wizcom RTRS-Gateway solution, Broker-Dealers can automatically report Municipal Securities transactions in REAL-TIME to RTTM (NSCC) for matching and to RTRS (MSRB) for reporting, to comply with MSRB rules G14 and G12(f), which became effective January 2005.
click here for more details

RTTM-Gateway: Real-time Transaction for Matching (RTTM)
Using Wizcom RTTM-Gateway solution, securities firms can automatically report securities transactions in REAL-TIME to RTTM (NSCC) for matching. This service can be intalled in-house.
click here for more details

PIMs: Pre-Issuance Messaging Service (PIMs)
Using Wizcom PIM solution, broker-dealer firms can automatically submit Trades and get CUSIPs from the IPA banks.
Details of PIMs initiative from DTCC can be found here: PIMs (by DTCC)
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TRACE: Trade Reporting and Compliance Engine system
Using Wizcom TRACE solution, report corporate bonds to NASD.
click here for more details

STP: STP Solutions and System Integration Services
We build and implement end-to-end Straight Through Processing (STP) solutions and System Integration Services that are flexible and infrastructure independent for buy-side firms, sell-side firms, clearing agencies, settlement firms and custodians to seamlessly communicate with other parties.
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Trade data Capture and Analytical Systems

We build custom trade data capture and analytical systems for pooling and analyzing the data from different market sources to meet specific user needs, and publish the data to different user front-end /trading systems.


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